Kamden McAlpin
George Rogers Clark High School
Class of 2025
Positions: OF, 2nd, 3rd, C
Height | Weight | Throws | Bats |
5’11” | 150lb | Right | Left |
60 Yard Dash | 10 Yard Split |
6.94 seconds | 1.55 seconds |
OF Velo | INF Velo | Exit Velo |
82mph | 80mph | 84mph |
Kamden McAlpin is a 2025 OF/C, 2B, 3B, UT with a 5-10 145 lb. frame from Winchester, KY who attends George Rogers Clark. Young, athletic frame with tons of physical projection remaining to be added throughout his frame. 6.94-second runner during the sixty. Primary outfielder, fields off his front foot with a clean glove-to-hand transfer. Carries momentum through his throws to the bases showcasing some present arm strength, up to 81 mph. Gets on top of the ball well. Displayed feel for the position. Also took defensive reps in the infield, fields out in front showcasing clean glove actions as he flashed some range going to his left and right. Throws across the diamond had some carry, up to 79 mph. Came and got the charge play well. Left-handed hitter, sets up with a slightly open stance and low hand set. Line-drive swing plane working to all parts of the field during his round. Generated some torque with his lower half, flashing some juice to the gaps that project as he adds strength to frame. Advanced feel for the barrel for age. Good student.
Kamden has tremendous discipline at the plate. He hits the ball to all sides of the field. Has average power and above-average speed.
Defensively, Kamden is smooth with above-average range and above-average arm strength. High baseball IQ. Division 1 / draft prospect.
Defensively, Kamden is smooth with above-average range and above-average arm strength. High baseball IQ. Division 1 / draft prospect.